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Showing posts from September, 2024

Make Automation

We can create a Makefile in Python which helps to automate tasks like running your Python scripts, testing, or building your project.  A Makefile is a file used by the make build automation tool to define a set of tasks that should be executed. Each task is written as a target, and it can depend on other tasks or files. In general, structure of makefile are: Target Dependencies Commands Ok, lets understand this with help of an example. Makefile (has no extensions) # Define variables for system Python and pip for virtual environment SYSTEM_PYTHON = python3 VENV_PYTHON = myvenv/bin/python VENV_PIP = myvenv/bin/pip # Target: venv # Creates a virtual environment in 'myvenv' directory using system Python. venv : $(SYSTEM_PYTHON) -m venv myvenv # Target: install # Installs dependencies if 'requirements.txt' exists. install : venv $(VENV_PIP) install -r requirements.txt; # Target: all # Runs venv, install, and run targets. all : venv install In example above...